Table of Contents


Messages from me :)


Essentially, the purpose of this website was to allow all my 'informational' notes to be active. I'm gonna try to work on the website somewhat frequently, but not excessively, so don't expect it to be amazingly good or something.

Also, there will be broken links and weird formatting, and things like that. I'm not that great of a coder, and also the majority of the notes are old and thus are not formatted. W I will be making quite drastic changes to this website, e.g. style, formatting etc. in the coming weeks. I estimate that hopefully by September, the website should be running pretty smoothly.

I am currently doing some spring cleaning of the website, so I will be going around and fixing all the broken links and stuff.


Hello! Couldn't wait a week to write another one of these. Just wanted to say that hopefully all images should be working right now, thanks to some epic javascript by Osacr, who is a member of the notes coalition. I will start begging Osacr to help with highlights, but in the mean time I probably won't be working on this project excessively. I'm not abandoning it though. Don't worry.


So it turns out that my formula for note taking isn't the slightest bit helpful because there aren't exactly clear links to stuff yet... Well I plan to fix this via republishing my Obsidian vault to Github (yes it was up in the first place), but I haven't gotten around to purging the vault of some personal stuff.

Normally, this would be fine, but because people like Tag exist and Tag likes to take other people's notes without asking them, I've had to private the repository. Give me a few days and it'll be back soon. :)


We have moved to quartz!!! Yay!

The old website is now no longer worked on. It still exists. I can't be bothered to close it. Also the repo is now accessible. Might have to change a few things. Not sure though.


Ah it appears that Quartz automatically writes titles. Guess I gotta fix that. Also, I'm changing the formatting again :(

secrets/How making a website erodes your mental stability


I have moved to Linux!!!

Give medal :)

yea at this point im just testing


today may be the day that obsidian works properly on linux


Ladies and gentlemen...

I now present to you...

The Linux Github Saga!!!

Also I've finally come around to working on this whole project.

Like with some actual dedication.

(not because christian blew my house up in minecraft) (again)


For the past two days, i may have accidentally slightly potentially deleted my website by pressing random buttons on github. Not my smartest moment.

Not to fear, the website is back up, we have evolved into v.3!!!!

Alongside upgrading, I will start using markdown links.


all rise for the ascension of obsidiannotes-v.3, reborn from the ashes of the past and its failures. hours of tinkering with makefiles, deploy.yaml and the likes, only to CHANGE A SINGLE BUTTON ON THE GITHUB REPOSITORY FROM "Read repository contents and packages permissions" to "Read and write permissions" and it FINALLY WORKS. This is evidenced by the 15 failed commits before i finally got it to work.

with the rise of a new obsidian notes version comes an announcement.The website shall be be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire a more efficient system using folders!!!! Please stand by as i find out how to make the whole folder sitch look less ugly :)


BEHOLD!!! The website has been overhauled. All the links I could possibly fix have been fixed (please report any broken ones), and I have removed all the sussy folder files. In comes a new age of organisation(shocker)


Links are fixed

I think this is the final evolution


I will attempt to fix recent notes. Wish me luck!

anthony's bday gift has been executed

well damn i actually fixed it

just had to execute some files w/o frontmatter


I think its safe to say that the website is no longer in the developmental stage.

This is an amazing stage of evolution. Please clap.

Anyways, this page will no longer be updated, and I will be moving to a Notice Board.

Here, you will find updates to the website, and the "developmental" stuff, but not actually development stuff, more like "dev" stuff but not actually dev stuff cause its not in development any more.

Its just updates from now on (unless i delete my website(again(again)))